Teiid Results Caching Comparison Example
There are 5 sections in Results Caching Comparison Example:
- Overview
- Run
- Conclusion
- How it work
- Advanced Concepts
Teiid Results Caching Comparison Example is a Performance conparison example, PERFTEST table exist in RDBMS, which contains 100 MB data in RDBMS. PERFTESTVIEW is a View which mapped to PERFTEST table, it be defined in a Teiid VDB. There are 3 different query:
- Native Query(SELECT * FROM PERFTEST) - Connection be created by RDBMS JDBC Driver, Repeated query 10 times, record query time
- Query Without Results Caching(SELECT * FROM PERFTESTVIEW) - Connection be created by Teiid JDBC Driver, Repeated query 10 times, record query time
- Query With Results Caching(/*+ cache */ SELECT * FROM PERFTESTVIEW) - Connection be created by Teiid JDBC Driver, Repeated query 10 times, record query time
The Comparison result will show how Results Caching are critical for query performance.
More details about Results Caching: https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/TEIID/Results+Caching.
Results Caching Example Source Code.
With the following steps to run the performance comparison example:
- Step.1 Add test data to Mysql
In my test I have insert 100 MB size data in Mysql PERFTEST
table(CREATE TABLE PERFTEST(id INTEGER, col_a CHAR(16), col_b CHAR(40), col_c CHAR(40))).
NOTE: int type is 4 bytes, char(n) is n bytes, so each row’s size = 4 + 16 + 40 + 40, in other words, each rows size is 100 bytes.
So for insert 100 MB into Mysql, we need inser 1«20(MB) rows. Query from Mysql Comman Line, the result:
> SELECT sum(table_rows), sum(data_length) from information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_name = 'PERFTEST';
| sum(table_rows) | sum(data_length) |
| 1048716 | 142262272 |
- Step.2 Create View in VDB map to Mysql Table
The View in my test like:
<model name="Test" type="VIRTUAL">
<metadata type="DDL"><![CDATA[
id long,
col_a varchar,
col_b varchar,
col_c varchar
SELECT A.id, A.col_a, A.col_b, A.col_c FROM Accounts.PERFTEST AS A;
- Step.3 Run example
Run each queries(‘SELECT * FROM PERFTEST’, ‘SELECT * FROM PERFTESTVIEW’, ‘/*+ cache */ SELECT * FROM PERFTESTVIEW’) 10 times, record query time, it should looks
Converting above step.3 result to a performance comparison diagram
From top to bottom
- The top histogram show Query With Results Caching, it spent 1 millisecond if result be cached
- The middle histogram show Query Without Results Caching, it spend 1300 milliseconds each time
- The bottom histogram show Native query, it spend 1300 milliseconds each time
We can get the conclusion: enable Results Caching is 1000 times fast than disable caching.
How it work
In this section we discuss why 1000 times performance take place. As below sequence diagram, RequestWorkItem process first will get result from RssultSetCache, if result exist, get result from cache and return, this is the reson why 1000 times performance take place.
Note that: more detailed logic about RequestWorkItem get results from cache please look at processNew() method in RequestWorkItem.java
Advanced Concepts
###Cached Virtual Procedure
Cached virtual procedure results are used automatically when a matching set of parameter values is detected for the same procedure execution. Use the Cache Hints can enable cache virtual procedure results, below as an example:
/*+ cache */
SELECT A.id, A.col_a, A.col_b, A.col_c FROM Accounts.PERFTEST AS A;
In my test there also is a PERFTPROCE1()
which cache is diabaled, the test results show there also have thousands of times performance improve, the comparison result as below:
| call PERFTPROCE1() | call PERFTPROCE2() |
| 3622 | 3355 |
| 3236 | 1 |
| 3219 | 1 |
| 3233 | 1 |
| 3207 | 1 |
| 3207 | 1 |
| 3596 | 1 |
| 3192 | 1 |
| 3198 | 1 |
| 3180 | 1 |