Use Mysql to store teiid command and audit log
Teiid Extensions enable audit and command logging to the database, this article depict how use mysql database to store teiid command and audit log.
Install Teiid Extensions with Mysql
- Maven build teiid/teiid-extensions and unzip the build/target/build-${version}, on to JBoss EAP installation.
For example, the following is commands unzip 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT to EAP:
unzip -d /home/kylin/work/jdv/jboss-eap-6.1
- Edit
/bin/jboss-cli.xml and make sure the following property is set to true:
- Edit
/bin/scripts/, make sure it point to a exist mysql database.
The following is a example configuration:
db.password=jdv_pass have steps for setup mysql datasource in EAP 6
- Install Teiid Extensions via CLI
./ --file=scripts/teiid-add-database-logger.cli --properties=./scripts/
Test Installation
Two ables will generate after installation, use show tables in mysql client have the following output:
mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_jdv60 |
| auditlog |
| commandlog |
| hibernate_sequence |
Execute a JDBC query against a exist VDB, then use the following SQL query commandlog table have the following output:
mysql> select id, applicationname, executionid, requestid, sessionid, sqlcmd from commandlog;
| id | applicationname | executionid | requestid | sessionid | sqlcmd |
| 17 | JDBC | NULL | U57z7Jf+2uRo.0 | U57z7Jf+2uRo | SELECT * FROM Marketdata |
| 18 | NULL | 4 | U57z7Jf+2uRo.0 | U57z7Jf+2uRo | EXEC FilesVDB.getTextFiles('marketdata.csv') |
| 19 | NULL | 4 | U57z7Jf+2uRo.0 | U57z7Jf+2uRo | NULL |
| 20 | NULL | NULL | U57z7Jf+2uRo.0 | U57z7Jf+2uRo | NULL |