Hadoop 介绍
Google’s revolutionary Big Data concepts MapReduce
, BigTable
has become the principle of Big Data Area, the dissertations relevant to these concepts are opened by Google, but the concepts’ implementation product not a open source.
Base on these concepts, the Open Source Community developed a series of Big Data products, which the core produce named Hadoop, it mainly implement the MapReduce
and GFS
. Another core product named HBase, which mainly implement the BigTable
Aslo there are some additional products like Hive which is a data warehouse infrastructure for data summarization and querying, Spark which is mainly a fast conputing layer for Hadoop data.
Quick link for these products:
The content of this article including:
- Hadoop Installation
- HDFS Introduction
- MapReduce Introduction
HDFS Introduction
Hadoop HDFS 的组成:
- 快(Block) - HDFS 中将要存储的文件切分成块,默认块的大小为 64MB,块是文件存储处理的逻辑单元
- NameNode - 是 HDFS 管理节点,存放元数据
- DataNode - 是 HDFS 数据节点,存放数据块
下图为 Hadoop HDFS 数据管理策略
- 数据块副本: 数据块有多个副本,分布在不同机架内的不同 DataNode 上
- 心跳检测: DataNode 周期性的向 NameNode 发送心跳消息
- 二级 NameNode: NameNode 的备份,元数据周期性的同步
下图为 Hadoop HDFS 读操作的步骤
- 客户端发送读取请求到 NameNode
- NameNode 返回元数据
- 客户端根据元数据中数据块的路径读取数据块
下图为 Hadoop HDFS 写操作的步骤
- 文件拆分成块,发送写取请求到 NameNode
- NameNode 返回元数据
- 根据元数据中可用数据块的路径写数据
- 流水线复制多个副本
- 更新元数据
HDFS 特点: 数据冗余,硬件容错。流式数据访问,一次写入,多次读写。适合存储大文件。
HDFS 适合批量读写,吞吐量高,适合一次写入,多次读写,顺序读写。不适合交互式应用,不支持并发写同一个数据块
hadoop 命令的使用
$ ./hadoop fs -ls /
$ ./hadoop fs -ls /home/
$ ./hadoop fs -mkdir input
$ ./hadoop fs -put ./../NOTE.md input
$ ./hadoop fs -get input/NOTE.md note2.md
MapReduce Introduction
What is MapReduce
In the first part of this section, we will try to explain What is MapReduce via some overall Examples.
Example.1 Sum of squares
Sum of squares means calculate the sum of integers’ squares. For example, suppose there are integers: 1, 2, 3, 4, Sum of squares means 1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2.
With the theory of MapReduce, we can classify the Sum of squares to 2 tasks:
- Map task - square the integers
- Reduce task - sum the integers’ squares up.
So Map here essentially is the function square which processes each record, what the square of 1, 2, 3 and 4 leads to the corresponding output 1, 4, 9, 16. Also these record be processed sequentially and independently.
NOTE: processes each record sequentially and independently is the key of Map.
So Reduce here is the function plus which applies plus to a group of records, what the sum of 1, 4, 9, 16 leads to result 30. The records be processed may not be all the records, it may be a subset of all the records, it in a group and process in batches.
NOTE: processes set of all records in batches is the key of Reduce.
Example.2 Wordcount
Wordcount means produce a count list for every word that appears in a data set. The data set may very large, like all of the text in Wikipedia, and you’re asked to produce a count list for every word that appears in that data set. For example, the work java may appears in many of Wikipedia’s article, how many times does it appear in all Wikipedia’s articles, you need produce a call for that.
Wordcount can be classified to 2 tasks:
- Map task - process each record to generate key/value pair
- Reduce task - merge key/value pairs per key
As above figure, assume a file only consists of four words, “Welcome Everyone, Hello Everyone,” Map task generated 4 key/value pairs:
- Welcome -> 1
- Everyone -> 1
- Hello -> 1
- Everyone -> 1
Parallelly process a large number of individual records with multile Map Tasks is the key in Map, in this particular case, there are 2 Map Tasks.
Reduce Task processes and merges all key/value pairs per key:
As above, in Reduce phase, there are reduce tasks process and merge generate the key/value pairs:
- Welcome -> 1
- Everyone -> 2
- Hello -> 1
NOTE: In Reduce Task, each key be assigned to one Reduce, Parallelly processes and merges by partitioning key, One way of partitioning is called hash partitioning with simple hash algorithm SHA-1 or a message digest MD-5.
Example.3 distributed grep
You have a large set of files with a large amount of text in them, you need to grep for particular words:
- Input - large set of files
- Output - Lines that match pattern
To use MapDeduce theroy to handle distributed grep
- Map - Emits a line if it matchs the supplied pattern
- Reduce - Copies the intermediate data to output
Example.4 Reverse Web-Link Graph
Assume you have a Tuples (a, b) where a is a webpage and b is a webpage, and a has a link that points to b. Web-Link Graph means great set of Tuples(a1, b1), (a2,b2)…(source,target) together, compose of a Graph. Reverse Web-Link Graph means list all source links for each target page.
- Input: Web-Link Graph, Tuples (a, b) where page a link to page b
- Output: For each page, list of pages that link to it
To use MapDeduce theroy to handle distributed grep
- Map - process web log and for each input (source, target), output (target, source)
- Reduce - emits (target list(source))
Example.5 Count of URL access frequency
- Input: Logs of accessed URL, eg, from proxcy server
- Output: For each URL, percentage of total accesses for that URL